Check Below Our Current Promotion

Save a Lot of Money on This Bundle

Let's Make Sales!
We are here to help you to succeed in Digital Marketing! Your business is very important to you, AND FOR US! We can help you get more customers and sales. You work very hard for your business, for your family, for your community, for your country. The Good News is that you are not alone, we can be your secret partner, your secret weapon. Wether you are an owner of an online business, a physical brick and mortar business, a professional or an entrepreneur, we can help you let the world know that you exist, what is it that you do, attract them and get them to use your business, products or services, AND MAKE THEM COME BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN!
Call us Today: 843-291-3829

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Digital Marketing Solutions

Because where one marketing channel does not reach, anotherone will. Prospects are located in different places.
​​​​​​​You need a mix of strategies. 


From all the services we offer,
this promotion includes:

•  Ad in AIYELLOW online business directory

•  Ubiz Proximity Marketing mobile app

•  Amawebs website builder

•  Orbit digital business card

•  Listings in the marketplace MarketCoop

•  Website listing in 300 online business directories

        Click Here For Details

•  Call Tracking

•  Website visitors lead generation widget

•  Email marketing platform

•  Domain Name with SSL Certificate


One Time Configuration Fee


Monthly Fee


Below find everything that we offer:

*Google Business Profile

Improve your local search ranking and generate more money.

*Website Design

Having a website is of the uttermost importance in today’s trending market and virtual economy.

Lead Generator

We recognize that the only metric that counts is sales, and to generate sales, you need leads.

*Google Ads

Pay-Per-Click with Google Ads is a cost-effective and proven method for bringing in more.​​​​​​​

Call Tracking

Don’t spend money on generating phone calls without tracking the results.

Video Marketing

There is NO better way to reach your potential customers than over VIDEO!​​​​​​​

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is the single most powerful, most cost-effective, and most convincing method of online advertising.

Online Store

The E-commerce industry is one of the places that keeps growing. Now is the time to implement or to start your own online shopping cart!

Website Hosting

Fast, Reliable, and secure website hosting to keep your business running and your customer's info safe.­

SMS Marketing

Would you like close to 100% open rates on your messages? Now you can promote Via SMS text messaging and get the sky-high open & response rates you thought only large companies could get!

*Business Directory

Online business directories play an important part in your marketing strategy and can be a powerful tool for increasing your business' reach.

Mobile Friendly

Do you ever leave home without your smartphone? Neither do most people. Your Customers are mobile, you need to be too.

​​​​​​​Website Communication Widget

Double Your Website Visitors to Buyers. Website Visitors Have Their Contact Preferences: call, email, text, live chat, set an appointment right away. Get A Powerful Customer Getting Solution Today!

Local Citation

Submit your webiste url to 300 online directories. Online business directories play an important part in your marketing strategy and can be a powerful tool for increasing your business' reach.​​​​​​​

Digital Inclusion 360 (DI360)

DI360 is a bundle of digital and mobile marketing tools. As a building needs a solid foundation, all businesses need some basic online marketing tools to succeed in today's world.​​​​​​​


Become a Promoter of Digital Marketing Tools

Work from home or whetever you want, worldwide, promoting Global Digital Cooperative bundle of digital and mobile marketing tools.

Become a City Franchisee

We offer the opportunity of becoming a city franchisee of Global Digital Cooperative marketing solutions in any city of the world.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Digital Inclusion 360 Full Upgrades

DI360 is a subscription that includes 6 digital marketing tools IN THEIR BASIC VERSION. You can get their individual Upgrades to have more advanced features.

​​​​​​​Incentive Marketing

​​​​​​​How to Instantly Boost Sales by 60% or More... 
and Turn Buyers Into Loyal Fans With Incentive Based Marketing.  Discover the 3-step secret weapon of the world's smartest marketers!​​​​​​​

Become a REGIONAL Franchisee

​​​​​​​Become a State, Province or Department Franchisee. Only 1 per region. You are the one providing the products to your city franchisees.

Artificial Intelligence

My AI from Now Site is a version of you. Powered by ChatGPT and other technologies, you will be surprised by all you can do.


Focus On What You Do Best and Let us market Your Business 

  • Ready To Get Started?

    Book A Meeting!

Why Us?

We offer a Full Range of Digital Marketing Services!

We Do It All For You

Get More Customers From Google

We Get Your Phone To Ring

High Quality Service

Websites That Convert Visitors to Callers

Mobile-Friendly Design - Over 50% Use Mobile



Focus on Doing what you do best and let us market your business. 

Professional Websites For Your Local Business

Make a Strong First Impression

Get More Calls Starting Today

Grow Brand Awareness

Beat Your Competition

Make Your Clients Find You


Follow Up on Potential Customers

Look Professional